2011年11月12日 星期六

PMC Sterling silver 925 silver

Mitsubishi Materials Announces an Important New Product

After two years of research, Mitsubishi announced today the release of a new product called "PMC Sterling." The clay contains 92.5% silver and therefore meets the legal standard of sterling. Like traditional sterling, the alloy is strong, hard, and bright.

PMS Sterling will be available for purchase starting in December 2011. Technical de⋯⋯tails will be coming in the next months, but for now, here is the short version:

•Like other types of PMC, it can be molded, joined, carved, and modeled.
•The clay works like fine silver PMC, though some testers feel that it has a longer working time.
•Use the same tools and kiln as for other metal clays.
•Fire half hour in air and a half hour in carbon.
•Cost will be consistent with other forms of silver metal clay.
又有新的銀黏土出品喇,不過美國話要12月時先會有得試用! 另外, 上次既PMC pro 已經試用成功,而證書班同學的說pmc pro 比pmc3更容易處理! oh! 如果有朋友有興趣試用請聯絡我呀^^ 兩人以上就可以開班喇^^ 詳情請email 我問問啦 info@nov1.com.hk
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